Activity Log
Use the information in this topic to view and modify service tickets.
Ticket Status
Each ticket can have the one of the five status:
Pending: The service information is being sent or waiting for response.
Active: The service information was sent successfully and the problem is currently being processed.
Failed: The service information was not sent successfully.
Closed: The problem has been processed and closed.
Cancelled: The problem has been processed and cancelled.
Test Call Home
You can test call home function by click on “Test Call Home”, a message will display on top of the page to inform you the result of the test.
Action — Cancel
When a ticket’s status is “Active”, you can click the “Undo” button in the “Action” column to cancel the ticket.
A confirmation mode box will pop up. Once “Yes” is selected the ticket’s status will be changed to “Cancelled”
Action — Note
When you click the note icon in “Action” column, you’ll be prompted to leave notes for the corresponding event.
Note contains two sections: Title and Message Body. Both must be filled in to be sent successfully. Please note that this function ONLY sends information to the server. It is not for saving and displaying the information. If you click Note again, you’ll be prompted with a new Note window to leave another message.