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SSD cache non-optimal

One or more SSD cache drives have failed or been removed from the storage array.

  • If the SSD cache is Degraded, it was not receiving I/O when the drive problem occurred. However, if the drive problem is not fixed when an I/O request to the SSD cache is attempted, it will transition to Failed.

  • A failed SSD cache is no longer usable and any volume with SSD cache enabled will no longer have the performance benefits of the SSD cache until the problem is fixed.

  • You should replace only one drive at a time, waiting at least 30 seconds between inserting drives.

  • Make sure the replacement drive has a capacity equal to or greater than the drive you will remove.

  • You can replace the drive while the storage array is receiving I/O.

Electrostatic discharge can damage sensitive components

Always use proper antistatic protection when handling components. Touching components without using a proper ground may damage the equipment.

Recovery Steps

  1. Are any drives shown in the Details area missing?

    • If yes, go to step 2.

    • If no, go to step 4.

  2. Reinsert the removed drives, waiting at least 30 seconds between inserting drives. The drive's fault indicator light may be lit for a short time (one minute or less).

  3. Select Recheck to ensure the problem has been resolved. If a missing drive is still being reported, go to step 4; otherwise you are finished with this procedure.

  4. Determine the number of drives in the affected SSD cache.

    1. Go to Storage > Pools & Volume Groups.

    2. Highlight the SSD cache then select View/Edit Settings to find the associated drives.

  5. Are all of the affected SSD cache drives failed?

    • If yes, go to step 9.

    • If no, go to step 6.

  6. Remove the affected drives from the SSD cache using the remove capacity operation.

    1. Go to Storage > Pools & Volume Groups.

    2. Highlight the SSD cache.

    3. Select Remove capacity to remove the affected drives shown in the Details area from the SSD cache.

  7. Replace the affected drives.

    1. Remove one of the drives shown in the Details area. Its fault indicator light should be lit.

    2. Wait at least 30 seconds, and then insert a new drive. Its fault indicator light may be lit for a short time (one minute or less).

    3. Repeat steps a and b for each failed drive.

  8. Add the newly replaced drives to the SSD cache using the add capacity operation and then go to step 12.

    1. Go to Storage > Pools & Volume Groups. Select the SSD cache.

    2. Select Add capacity to add the replaced drives.

    3. Go to step 13.

  9. Delete the affected SSD cache.

    1. Go to Storage > Pools & Volume Groups.

    2. Highlight the SSD cache and then select Delete under Uncommon Tasks.

  10. Replace the affected drives.

    1. Remove one of the drives shown in the Details area. Its fault indicator light should be lit.

    2. Wait at least 30 seconds, and then insert a new drive. Its fault indicator light may be lit for a short time (one minute or less).

    3. Repeat steps a and b for each failed drive.

  11. Re-create the SSD cache on the storage array.

    1. Go to Storage > Pools & Volume Groups.

    2. Select SSD Cache under Create to re-create the previously deleted SSD cache.

  12. Re-enable SDD caching on all affected volumes.

    1. Go to Storage > Volumes.

    2. Highlight one of the affected volumes and then select View/Edit Settings.

    3. Select the Advanced tab and then Enable SSD cache.

    4. Repeat steps a through c for each affected volume.

  13. Select Recheck to ensure the problem has been resolved.