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8 x 2.5'' NVMe drives with two 4 x 2.5'' NVMe backplanes

Use this section to understand the cable routing for eight NVMe drives with two 4 x 2.5'' NVMe backplanes and two processors installed.

Figure 1. Cable routing for onboard configuration of 8 x 2.5-inch front NVMe drives

BackplaneFrom backplaneCable silkscreenTo
4 x 2.5'' NVMe backplane 11 NVMe 0–11 NVMe 0–11 PCIe 6
2 Power2 Power2 Power connector 2_A
3 NVMe 2–33 NVMe 2–33 PCIe 5
4 x 2.5'' NVMe backplane 24 NVMe 0–14 NVMe 4–54 PCIe 4
5 Power5 Power5 Power connector 3_A
6 NVMe 2–36 NVMe 6–76 PCIe 3