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Rear riser card replacement

Use this information to remove and install a rear riser card.

Server rear configuration and riser assemblies

See this section to identify the correlations between the rear configuration and riser assemblies.

  1. The illustrations of riser brackets and cards may look slightly different from the physical ones.

  2. BF: “butterfly”, a riser card with slots on both sides.

  3. When a Gen 5 BF Riser 1 card is installed, only slot 2 can support Gen 5 PCIe adapters.

Table 1. Server rear configuration and riser assemblies1
Server rear configurationRiser 1 assemblyRiser 2 assembly
Figure 1. Three PCIe slots

Figure 2. Riser 1 LP-LP bracket

Figure 3. Riser 1 BF2 card

Figure 4. Riser 2 bracket

Figure 5. Riser 2 card

Figure 6. Two PCIe slots

Figure 7. Riser 1 LP-filler bracket

Figure 8. Riser 1 card

Figure 9. Riser 2 FH bracket

Figure 10. Riser 2 card

Figure 11. Two PCIe slots

Figure 12. Riser 1 LP-FH bracket

Figure 13. Riser 1 BF card

Riser 2 assembly is not supported.

A rear wall bracket is required for this configuration.
Figure 14. A rear wall bracket

Figure 15. Two PCIe slots

Figure 16. Riser 1 LP-LP bracket

Figure 17. Riser 1 BF card

Riser 2 assembly is not supported.

Figure 18. One PCIe slot

Figure 19. Riser 1 LP-LP bracket

Choose either one below to assemble:
  • Figure 20. Riser 1 BF card

  • Figure 21. Riser 1 card

Riser 2 assembly is not supported.

Figure 22. One PCIe slot

Figure 23. Riser 1 LP bracket

Figure 24. Riser 1 card

Riser 2 assembly is not supported.

The overview of riser brackets

See this section to identify different riser brackets.

Figure 25. Riser 1 LP-FH bracket

Figure 26. Riser 1 LP-LP bracket

Figure 27. Riser 1/2 LP bracket

Figure 28. Riser 1 LP-filler bracket

Figure 29. Riser 2 FH bracket

The overview of riser cards

See this section to identify different riser cards.

Riser cardNotes
Figure 30. A Gen 4/5 BF riser card

  • Depending on the server configuration or specific orders, the riser card can be a Gen 4 or Gen 5 card.

  • This section only breaks down how to match the cards with the brackets as the appearance and the installation methods are the same for the Gen 4 and Gen 5 BF cards.

Figure 31. A Gen 4/5 riser card

This card can be:
  • A Gen 4 riser 1 card

  • A Gen 5 BF riser 1 card with one slot removed

Figure 32. A Gen 4/5 riser card

Gen 4/5 riser 2 card