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Manage storage controllers

Infrastructure admin users can restart the storage service for a storage controller.

Complete the following steps to manage storage controllers.

  1. Log in to the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller as an Infrastructure admin user.
  2. In the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller management portal, perform one of the following steps:
    • In the left navigation, expand Resources and click Hardware to display the Dashboard page. Then click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon) next to the controller.

      Figure 1. Storage node Actions menu on Hardware page

    • In the left navigation, expand Resources and click Hardware to display the Dashboard page. Then, click the controller to display the controller details, and click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon)

      Figure 2. Storage node Actions button on compute node profile page

You can perform the following actions for a storage controller:

Restart storage service

Click Restart storage controller service to restart the storage controller. While it is restarting, instances might become unresponsive.