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Introduction to Migration Manager

The ThinkAgile CP Migration Manager application allows you to migrate existing VMware virtual machines (VMs) to ThinkAgile CP. Once set up, it performs periodic synchronization of a VMware virtual machine (VM) to ThinkAgile CP, and, once synchronized, a ThinkAgile CP VM can be spun-off and deployed from the synchronization. The result is a low-downtime cut-over from VMware to ThinkAgile CP.

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For a list of issues and limitations related to Migration Manager for ThinkAgile CP, Release 5.1.6, see the following topic:

What is new in Version 5.1.6

How Migration Manager Works

ThinkAgile CP Migration Manager works as follows.

  • Migration Manager creates a pool of Migration Workers, each of which is responsible for synchronizing and then converting a single VMware VM, after which the worker is made available for other source VMs.

  • Each source VM has Change Block Tracking enabled, if it is not enabled already. (This can done within Migration Manager.)

  • Each worker performs periodic synchronizations using the VMware backup APIs:

    • A snapshot of the source VMware VM is taken using the VMware APIs;

    • The snapshot is mounted on the worker, and changed blocks since the last sync are copied;

    • The snapshot is removed;

    • The process is repeated until a Final Cutover is executed or the syncs are terminated.

  • Once (at least one) synchronization has completed, you can perform conversions of the source VM. Conversions take the results from the latest synchronization and spin up a new VM on ThinkAgile CP, injecting the VirtIO drivers on Windows guests, adding the ThinkAgile CP Guest Agent, and uninstalling VMware Tools. There are two types of cut-overs:

    • Cutover. A cutover is initiated based on the last synchronization, keeping the source VM up in VMware. The target VM is created with a new IP address so as not to conflict with the source. Synchronizations continue after the cut-over and the worker stays assigned.

    • Final Cutover. This cutover first starts with shutting down the source VM, after which a final snapshot is taken, and the last-changed blocks are synced across. Then the target VM is brought up on ThinkAgile CP, with the same IP address as the source in VMware (as long as you are using VLANs common across both ThinkAgile CP and VMware). Synchronizations stop, and the worker is released into the pool to be assigned to a new source.

Figure 1. Migration Manager - Migration process for an individual source VM