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Migrate a VM

Follow the steps in this section to perform the migration for a source VM.


Each source VM that you migrate must have Change Block Tracking (CBT) enabled. CBT is a VMware feature, useful in transferring blocks as the VM is running. For more information about CBT, see this VMware article. You can enable CBT in Migration Manager as described in the steps below.

  1. In Migration Manager, navigate to the Dashboard, which includes a list of your VMs.
    Figure 1. Migration Manager menu - Dashboard

    The Dashboard opens, showing the list of your VMs.

    Figure 2. Migration Manager Dashboard

  2. In this list, click the name of the VM you want to migrate. A details page opens for that VM.
    Figure 3. VM Details page

  3. Click Enable CBT to enable CBT for this VM (if the VM does not already have CBT enabled).
  4. You can click Remove All Snapshots to remove the snapshots for this VM.
  5. Click Start to start synchronizations, which will continue until a final cutover or the process is terminated.

    You can track the status of the migration in the Migration State field. You can also view the details of this migration under Conversions, Synchronizations, and Migration Data.

    Figure 4. VM Details Page - Synchronization Running

  6. Once synchronizations have started you can do the following.
    • Click Pause to pause synchronizations if needed.

    • Once a synchronization has completed, you can click Test Cutover or Cutover. See the next step for more information.

    • You can click Edit to modify the settings for this migration. This includes selecting a new data center, migration zone, storage pool, or application group, and clicking Update.

    • Click Refresh to update the status of the migration as needed.

    • Note that if you see this icon next to an action, that action will be performed on the VM, such as Power Off or Reset CBT.

    • The information listed under Additional Data on this page is provided for informational purposes and is useful for Support in the event troubleshooting is required.

  7. Once one or more synchronizations are complete, you can perform a cutover by clicking the appropriate button on the VM detail page. Cutovers come in two forms, which vary in their behavior and “finality”:
    • Cutover: The source Virtual Machine stays up, meaning the snapshot is crash-consistent. The new VM on ThinkAgile CP gets a new IP address, and synchronizations continue after the cutover until stopped.
    • Final Cutover: Migration Manager shuts the source VM (for example, meaning it is fully consistent), performs a final sync, and then spins up a ThinkAgile CP VM, keeping the old IP addresses, if placed on a VLAN. Synchronizations end, and the worker is released for another source VM to use.