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Prepare for recovery

Complete these steps to prepare for Commvault 1-Touch Linux recovery.

You first should download the ISO file from the Commvault Cloud Services website

Install 1-Touch ISO

Follow these steps to download and install the 1-Touch ISO.
  1. Go to the Commvault Store page on the Cloud Services web site. On the Commvault Store page, the software media items are displayed.
  2. On the left side of the page, under the MEDIA KITS filter, click 1-Touch.
  3. Click the Download button next to the software media that you want to download. For a list of available installation media, see the Installation Media List. For example, to download the 1-Touch ISO application for Linux, look for V11 DVD4 (Linux Live CD) with the latest service pack.
  4. Use this ISO image to boot the client using one of the following methods:
    • Burn a Live CD and boot the client.
    • Copy the ISO image to an NFS server and set up a PXE Server to perform a network boot.
  5. Confirm the following are installed for 1-Touch backups:

    • yum install kexec-tools
    • yum install pciutils
    • yum install psmisc
    • yum install net-tools
    • apt-get install kexec-tool