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View firewall profiles

You can view firewall profiles from the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller management console.

To view firewall profiles, in the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller management console, under Networking in the left navigation area, click Firewall Profiles.

The Firewall Profiles page opens, displaying a list of the firewall profiles in your ThinkAgile CP infrastructure.

Figure 1. Firewall Profiles page

  1. You can view the following information in the list of firewall profiles.

    You can click the Name column heading to sort the list alphabetically by Name or you can click the Type heading to sort the list by network type.

    • Name - Lists the name of the firewall profile.
    • Rules - Lists the number of rules in the firewall profile.
    • VNETs - Lists the number of VNETs to which this firewall profile applies.
  2. You can click New Firewall Profile to Create a firewall profile.
  3. In the last column, you can click the ellipsis (...) to access the Actions menu, for example, to edit the firewall profile. For more information about the actions you can perform on firewall profiles, see the topic, Modify firewall details.