806f040c-2581ffff : [PhysicalMemoryElementName] Disabled on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. (All DIMMS)
[PhysicalMemoryElementName] Disabled on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. (All DIMMS)
This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected that Memory has been Disabled.
May also be shown as 806f040c2581ffff or 0x806f040c2581ffff
Internal Event
Alert Category
System - Other
Automatically Notify Support
User Response
If the specified sensor is All DIMMs or One of the DIMMs, please complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
- Make sure the DIMM is installed correctly.
- If the DIMM was disabled because of a memory fault (memory uncorrectable error or memory logging limit reached), follow the suggested actions for that error event and restart the server.
- Check the IBM support website for an applicable retain tip or firmware update that applies to this memory event. If no memory fault is recorded in the logs and no DIMM connector error LED is lit, you can re-enable the DIMM through the Setup utility or the Advanced Settings Utility (ASU).
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