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dhcpinfo command

Use this command to view the DHCP server-assigned IP configuration for eth0.

Use the dhcpinfo command to view the DHCP server-assigned IP configuration for eth0, if the interface is configured automatically by a DHCP server. You can use the ifconfig command to enable or disable DHCP.

dhcpinfo eth0

The following table describes the output from the example.
Table 1. dhcpinfo command. The following table is a multi-row two column table describing the options that are used in the previous example.
-serverDHCP server that assigned the configuration
-nAssigned host name
-iAssigned IPv4 address
-gAssigned gateway address
-sAssigned subnet mask
-dAssigned domain name
-dns1Primary IPv4 DNS server IP address
-dns2Secondary IPv4 DNS IP address
-dns3Tertiary IPv4 DNS server IP address
-i6IPv6 address
-d6IPv6 domain name
-dns61Primary IPv6 DNS server IP address
-dns62Secondary IPv6 DNS IP address
-dns63Tertiary IPv6 DNS server IP address