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ssl command

Use this command to display and configure the SSL parameters.

To enable an SSL client, a client certificate must be installed. Running the ssl command with no options displays SSL parameters. The following table shows the arguments for the options.

Table 1. ssl command.

The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.

-ceEnables or disables an SSL clienton, off
-seEnables or disables an SSL serveron, off
-cimeEnables or disables CIM over HTTPS on the SSL serveron, off
portcfg [options]
-ce state
-se state
-cime state
Parameters: The following parameters are presented in the option status display for the ssl command and are output only from the CLI:
Server secure transport enable
This status display is read-only and cannot be set directly.
Server Web/CMD key status
This status display is read-only and cannot be set directly. Possible command line output values are as follows:
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL server CSR key status
This status display is read-only and cannot be set directly. Possible command line output values are as follows:
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL client LDAP key status
This status display is read-only and cannot be set directly. Possible command line output values are as follows:
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL client CSR key status
This status display is read-only and cannot be set directly. Possible command line output values are as follows:
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download