Creating a boot (WinPE) file
You can create boot files that can be used to customize Windows images.
Before you begin
Ensure that the operating system you intend to provision is installed on the host. For example, if you plan to provision Windows 2016 using the WinPE files, then install Windows 2016 on the host.
Ensure that the Microsoft ADK that is compatible with the installed operating system is also installed on the host. For example, Windows 2012R2 requires ADK version 8.1 Update.
Obtain the device drivers, in .inf format, that you want to add to the boot file.
You can obtain device drivers from the Lenovo YUM Repository webpage, from the vendor (such as Red Hat), or through a custom device driver that you generated yourself. For some Windows device drivers, you can generate a custom device driver by extracting the device driver from the installation .exe to your local system and creating a .zip archive file.
Lenovo also bundles sets of predefined device drivers into a single package that can be downloaded from the Lenovo Windows drivers and WinPE Images Repository webpage and then imported into OS-images repository. Currently, the bundle files are available only for Windows. If the bundle file contains both device drivers and boot files, you can import the bundle file from the Device Driver or Boot Image tab.
Download the genimage.cmd and startnet.cmd files to the host in a temporary directory, such as C:\customwim.
The genimage.cmd command is used to generate the WinPE boot files, including the .wim file. The startnet.cmd command is used by XClarity Administrator to bootstrap the Windows installer.
Decide how you want to inject device drivers into the boot file. You can do this in one of the following ways:
Add in-box device drivers to a customized Windows profile by copying the device-driver files to the host system in the C:\drivers directory. These will be included in the boot file when genimage.cmd runs later.
NoteWhen you create a custom OS-images profile that uses the custom boot-file, the device drivers that are in the C:\drivers directory are included in both WinPE and the final OS. They are treated as though they were inbox. Therefore, you do not need to import these in-box device drivers into XClarity Administrator when you specify device drivers to use in the custom OS-images profile creation.Add out-of-box device drivers directly to the boot file.
NoteIf you use this method, the device drivers are only applied to the boot file and therefore to the WinPE install environment. The device drivers are not applied to the final installed OS. You must manually import the device drivers into the OS-images device driver repository and select them for use as part of the OS-image profile customization.
For more information about boot files, see the Introduction to Window PE (WinPE) website.
To create a boot file, complete the following steps.