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Assigning roles to users

Lenovo SDI Management Platform uses roles and user groups to determine which functions (actions) a user is allowed to perform.

Before you begin

When roles are changed for a user that is currently logged in to an active session, the user’s session is ended automatically, and the user is logged out of the user interface. When the user logs in again, the user can perform the functions based on the new role assignments.

About this task

When you assign multiple roles to a user group, the functions in each role are aggregated.

All users who are members of a user group are allowed to perform the functions that are included in the roles that are assigned to that user group.

You can modify a user’s roles by:

  • Adding or removing the user from a user group

  • Adding or removing roles from a user group of which the user is a member

  • Deleting a user group of which the user is a member

:::Note Note: When the roles that are assigned to a user group change, the user must log in again for the role changes to take effect. :::