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Menu items, toolbar icons, and buttons are disabled

Refer to the following when menu items, toolbar icons, and buttons are disabled (greyed out):

  • Ensure that user account is a member of the user group that is assigned correct role.

    A role is used to limit the actions that users can perform. The role that is assigned to each user group determines the actions that are available to each user that is a member of that user group. Each Lenovo SDI Management Platform user must be a member of at least one user group. For information about roles and privileges, see Controlling access to functions.

    For more information, contact your system administrator.

  • Ensure that the required number of active licenses is installed in Lenovo SDI Management Platform.

    If the number of active licenses is less than the number of managed devices that support Lenovo XClarity Administrator advanced functions (for example, if licenses expire or if managing additional devices exceeds the total number of active licenses), you have a grace period of 90 days to install appropriate licenses. If the grace period expires and appropriate licenses are not installed, functions are disabled depending on the license.

    • Lenovo SDI Management Platform. Each license provides each device with the Orchestrator functionality as well as related services and support.

      If the number of active licenses is less than the required quantity, you are unable to view resources, configure resources, monitor or manage alerts, events, and tasks, or manage Lenovo SDI Management Platform.

    - Lenovo SDI Management Platform analysis. Each license provides each device with the analysis functionality. Please note that the basic platform license is the prerequisite for this license.

      如果许可证数量不合规,则将对所有设备禁用  Orchestrator  功能。您无法查看分析报告,也无法创建定制警报规则和查询。

    Important: Please note that the basic Orchestrator license is the prerequisite for the analysis license. If analysis licenses are enough while active licenses are insufficient, the Orchestrator functionality and analysis functionality will be disabled for all devices.

To continue using Lenovo SDI Management Platform. functions, you must install appropriate licenses. For more information about installing licenses, see Applying Lenovo SDI Management Platform licenses.