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View migration zone details

Infrastructure admin and infrastructure viewer users can view details about a migration zone.

Complete the following steps to view compute node details.

  1. Log in to the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller as an Infrastructure admin or an infrastructure viewer user.
  2. In the left navigation, expand Migration Zones and click the migration zone to display the details page for that migration zone.
    Figure 1. Migration zone details page
    Screen capture of the migration zone details page
  3. Click the Allocations tab to see the compute categories associated with the migration zone and the virtual datacenters to which the migration zone is allocated.
    Figure 2. Allocation tab on migration zone details page
    Screen capture of the migration zone allocations tab.
  4. Click the Resources & Connectivity tab to see the storage pools and compute nodes associated with the migration zone.
    Figure 3. Resources & Connectivity tab on migration zone details page
    Screen capture of the migration zone allocations tab.

    Infrastructure admin users can click Manage Resource Connectivity to view the Infrastructure Mappings page, disconnect storage pools from the migration zone, or manage the compute nodes associated with the migration zone.