lenovoMgrAlert.mib file
This management information base (MIB) file describes the SNMP traps that Lenovo XClarity Administrator generates, including alerts that were raised by XClarity Administrator and managed devices. You can compile this MIB file in any SNMP trap manager so that the SNMP traps that are sent from XClarity Administrator can be rendered meaningfully.
You can download the MIB file from the web interface by clicking Create icon (), selecting SNMP for the event-forwarder type, and then clicking Download MIB File at the bottom of the dialog.
mgrTrapAppId. This is “Lenovo Event Manager.”
mgrTrapCommonEvtID. Common event ID
mgrTrapDateTime. Local date and time when the event was raised
mgrTrapEventClass. The source of the event. This can Audit, Cooling, Power, Disks, Memory, Processors, System, Test, Adaptor, Expansion, IOModule, or Blade.
mgrTrapEvtID. The unique identifier for the event
mgrTrapFailFRUs. A comma separated list of the failing FRU UUIDs, if applicable
mgrTrapFailSNs. A comma separated list of the serial numbers for failing FRUs, if applicable.
mgrTrapFullyQualifiedDomainName. The fully qualified domain name: the hostname and the domain name
mgrTrapID. Trap ID
mgrTrapMsgText. Message text (English only)
mgrTrapMsgID. Message identifier
mgrTrapMtm. Model type model of the device that raised the event
mgrTrapService. Serviceability indicator. This can be 000 (Unknown), 100 (None), 200 (Service Center), or 300 (Customer)
mgrTrapSeverity. Severity indicator. This can be Informational, Warning, Minor, Major, or Critical
mgrTrapSN. Serial number of the device that raised the event
mgrTrapSrcIP. IP address of the device from which the raised event was received
mgrTrapSrcLoc. Location of the device that raised the event, in English only (for example, Slot#xx)
mgrTrapSrcName. Hostname or display name of the device that raised the event
mgrTrapSysContact. User-configured contact ID
mgrTrapSysLocation. User-configured device-location information
mgrTrapSystemName. Device name, component name, and slot location
mgrTrapTxtId. Host name or IP address of Lenovo Event Manager server that raised the trap
mgrTrapUserid. User ID that is associated with the event (if the event is internal and event class is Audit)
mgrTrapUuid. UUID of the device that raised the event