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Setting up event forwarding to a remote SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 manager

You can configure Lenovo XClarity Administrator to forward specific events to a remote SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 manager.

About this task

You can create and enable up to 20 event forwarders to send events to specific recipients.

If XClarity Administrator is rebooted after event forwarders are configured, you must wait for the management server to regenerate internal data before events are forwarded correctly.

For XClarity Administrator v1.2.0 and later, Switches is included on the Events tab in the New Event Forwarder and Change Event Forwarder dialogs. If you upgraded to 1.2.0 or later from an earlier release, remember to update your event forwarders to include or exclude RackSwitch events as appropriate. This is necessary even if you selected the All Systems checkbox to select all devices.

For information about the XClarity Administrator MIB, see lenovoMgrAlert.mib file.


Complete the following steps to create an event forwarder for a remote SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 manager.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Monitoring > Event Forwarding. The Event Forwarding page is displayed.
  2. Click the Event Forwarder tab.
  3. Click the Create icon (Create icon). The General tab of New Event Forwarder dialog is displayed.
  4. Select SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 as the event-forwarder type, and fill in the protocol-specific information:
    • Enter the name and destination host for the event forwarder.

    • Enter the port to use for forwarding events. The default is 162.

    • Optional: Enter additional information, including the description, contact name, and location.

    • Select the SNMP version. This can be one of the following values.

      • SNMPv1. If this version is selected, specify the community password that is sent with every SNMP request to the device.

      • SNMPv3. This is the default version and is recommended for enhanced security. If SNMPv3 is selected, optionally specify the user ID, authentication type and password, and privacy type and password.

        If the SNMPv3 trap receiver requires the engine ID for the XClarity Administrator instance, you can find the engine ID by performing the following steps:
        1. Ensure that the connection parameters (username, authProtocol, authPassword, privProtocol, privPassword) match the ones set in XClarity Administrator.

        2. Using your preferred software (such as snmpwalk), perform an SNMP GET request on the XClarity Administrator server using one of the following OIDs:
          • EngineID:

          • EngineBoots :

          Use the following syntax for the snmpget command. Note that the -a forwarder authentication type can be SHA or blank (no authentication).
          For example, if the XClarity Administrator IP address is, the authentication type is SHA, and the privacy type is AES, the following command shows the engineID.
          snmpget -v 3 -u someUserID -l authPriv -a SHA -A someUserIDPassword_1 -x AES -X somePrivacyPassword_1
          The following example response is returned. In this example, the engineID is 0x80001370017F00000134C27E12.
          iso. = Hex-STRING: 80 00 13 70 01 7F 00 00 01 34 C2 7E 12
    • Enter the time-out period (in seconds) for the request. Default is 30 seconds.
    • Optional: If trap authentication is needed, enter the user ID and authentication password. The same user ID and password must be entered in the remote SNMP manager to which the traps are forwarded.

    • Select the authentication protocol that is used by the remote SNMP manager to verify the trap sender. This can be one of the following values
      • SHA. Uses the SHA protocol to authentication to the specified SNMP server using the specified user ID, password, and domain name.

      • None. No authentication is used

    • If trap encryption is needed, enter the privacy type (encryption protocol) and password. This can be one of the following values. The same protocol and password must be entered in the remote SNMP manager to which the traps are forwarded.

      • AES

      • DES

      • None

  5. Select Allow Excluded Events to prevent excluded events from being forwarded or clear Allow Excluded Events to forward excluded events. For more information, see Excluding events.
  6. Select Enable this forwarder to activate event forwarding for this event forwarder.
  7. Click Next to display the Devices tab.
  8. Select the devices and groups that you want to monitor for this event forwarder.
    To forward events for all managed devices (current and future), select the Match all systems checkbox.

    If you do not select the Match all systems checkbox, ensure that the selected devices do not have a DUMMY-UUID in the UUID column. A Dummy-UUID is assigned to devices that have not yet recovered after a restart or are not discovered completely by the management server. If you select a device with a Dummy-UUID, event forwarding works for this device until the moment when the device is fully discovered or recovered and the Dummy-UUID changes to its real UUID.

  9. Click Next to display the Events tab.
  10. Select the filters to use for this event forwarder.
    • Match by event category
      1. To forward all audit events regardless of the status level, select Include All Audit events.
      2. To forward all warranty events, select Include Warranty events.
      3. To forward all health-status-change events, select Include Status Change events.
      4. To forward all health-status-update events, select Include Status Update events.
      5. Select the event classes and serviceability level that you want to forward.
      6. Enter IDs for one or more events that you want to exclude from forwarding. Separate IDs by using a comma (for example, FQXHMEM0214I,FQXHMEM0214I).
    • Match by event code. Enter IDs for one or more events that you want to forward. Separate multiple IDs by using a comma.
    • Exclude by event category.
      1. To exclude all audit events regardless of the status level, select Exclude All Audit events.
      2. To exclude all warranty events, select Exclude Warranty events.
      3. To exclude all health-status-change events, select Exclude Status Change events.
      4. To exclude all health-status-update events, select Exclude Status Update events.
      5. Select the event classes and serviceability level that you want to exclude.
      6. Enter IDs for one or more events that you want to forward. Separate IDs by using a comma.
    • Exclude by event code. Enter IDs for one or more events that you want to exclude. Separate multiple IDs by using a comma.
  11. Choose whether to include certain types of events.
    • Include All Audit events. Sends notifications about audit events, based on the selected event classes and severities.
    • Include Warranty events. Send notifications about warranties.
    • Include Status Change events. Sends notifications about changes in status.
    • Include Status Update events. Sent notifications about new alerts
    • Include Bulletin events. Sends notification about new bulletins.
  12. Select the types of events and severities for which you want to be notified.
  13. Select whether to filter events by serviceability.
  14. Click Next to display the Scheduler tab.
  15. Optional: Define the times and days when you want the specified events to be forwarded to this event forwarder. Only events that occur during the specified time slot are forwarded.

    If you do not create a schedule for the event forwarder, events are forwarded 24x7.

    1. Use the Scroll left icon (Scroll-left icon) and Scroll right icon (Scroll-right icon), and Day, Week, and Month buttons to find the day and time that you want to start the schedule.
    2. Double-click the time slot to open the New Time Period dialog.
    3. Fill in the required information, including the date, start and end times, and whether the schedule is to be reoccurring.
    4. Click Create to save the schedule and close the dialog. The new schedule is added to the calendar.
    • You can change the time slot by dragging the schedule entry to another time slot in the calendar.
    • You can change the duration by selecting the top or bottom of the schedule entry and dragging it to the new time in the calendar.
    • You can change the end time by selecting the bottom of the schedule entry and dragging it to the new time in the calendar.
    • You can change a schedule by double-clicking the schedule entry in the calendar and clicking Edit Entry.
    • You can view a summary of all schedule entries by selecting Show Scheduler Summary. The summary includes the time slot for each entry and which entries are repeatable.
    • You can delete a schedule entry from the calendar or scheduler summary by selecting the entry and clicking Delete Entry.
  16. Click Create.

    The event forwarder is listed in the Event Forwarding table.

    Illustrates the Event Forwarding dialog that lists the event forwarders.
  17. Select the new event forwarder, click Generate Test Event, and then verify that the events are forwarded correctly to the appropriate remote SNMP manager.

After you finish

From the Event Forwarding page, you can perform the following actions on a selected event forwarder.
  • Refresh the list of event forwarders by clicking the Refresh icon (Refresh icon).
  • View details about a specific event forwarder by clicking the link in the Name column.
  • Change the event-forwarder properties and filter criteria by clicking the event-forwarder name in the Name column.
  • Delete the event forwarder by clicking the Delete icon (Delete icon).
  • Suspend event forwarding (see Suspending event forwarding).
  • Download the MIB file that contains information about SNMP traps by clicking the Create icon (Create icon), and then clicking Download MIB File on the General tab of New Event Forwarding dialog