Getting help and technical assistance
If you need help, service, or technical assistance for Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator, you can find a wide variety of sources available from Lenovo to assist you.
Before you begin
For general information about contact numbers, resources, and guidance to help you get the best support possible when and where you need it, see the Lenovo Support Plan – Software webpage.
Ask questions and find answers using the Lenovo XClarity Community forum website.
Submit ideas about XClarity Management Hub by clicking Submit ideas from the User-Account menu (
) in the upper-right corner web interface, or by going directly to the Lenovo XClarity Ideation website.
- Check the event log, and follow the suggested actions to resolve any event codes (see Monitoring events).
- Find solutions to problems that have identifiable symptoms, and follow the suggested actions to resolve any problems. For the latest troubleshooting procedures, see Resolving problems with XClarity Orchestrator.
- Check the Lenovo Data Center Support website for the latest tips and techniques that you can use to solve issues that you might have with XClarity Orchestrator. These tech tips provide procedures to work around issues that are related to the operation of XClarity Orchestrator.
To find tech tips that are available for your product:
- Go to the Lenovo Data Center Support website.
- Enter “XClarity Orchestrator” in the Search field.
- Either click View All in the Top Articles section to view all tips, or enter keywords in the Search field to find a specific tip.TipYou can sort the list by
Relevance, Popularity, or Newest tips.
- If the problem remains, and you are an entitled customer with a support-line contract, maintenance agreements, and/or warranty, submit an online service request.
Submitting a service request starts the process of determining a resolution to your problem by making the pertinent information available to Lenovo Support quickly and efficiently. Lenovo service technicians can start working on your resolution as soon as you have completed and submitted a request.
- Through the Lenovo Support Line, you can get technical assistance, for a fee, for utilization, configuration, and software problems with your Lenovo products.
To find the local and toll-free support phone numbers, see the Support Phone List website. You can dial the number that you find for your geographical area or click Contact Us on the webpage to get assistance.
For severity 1 issues, support hours are 24/7. For all other severities, hours of operation and languages are listed on the webpage for your geographical area.
China product supportTo contact product support in China, see theLenovo Services – China website. You can also call 400-106-8888 for product support. The call support is available Monday through Friday, from 9 AM - 6 PM.