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Updating Lenovo SDI Management Platform (for version 1.2)

Lenovo SDI Management Platform v1.2 cannot be directly upgraded to version 2.0 or a version later than 2.0. You need to deploy Lenovo SDI Management Platform v2.0 or a later version, and then migrate the data of v1.2 to the new version, including vCenter, user data, and large-screen title information.

Before you begin

Enable the SSH permission of the virtual appliance for Lenovo SDI Management Platform v1.2:

  1. Find the virtual appliance for Lenovo SDI Management Platform v1.2 in vCenter or ESXi.
  2. Log in to the VM console using your username and password.
  3. Run the systemctl start sshd command.

Download the data export tool package from the Lenovo SDI Management Platform product page.


To migrate data from the old version of Lenovo SDI Management Platform to the new version, complete the following steps:

  1. Upload the export tool package to the virtual appliance of Lenovo SDI Management Platform v1.2 through the SSH client, and then run the -xvzf <toolkit name> command to decompress the tool package.
  2. Run the python3 command to start the export process. During the export process, you will be prompted to enter a password, which is used to encrypt or decrypt the exported data file. The password must contain at least 9 characters.
  3. After the export process is completed, a compressed package named sdibackup.tar.gz will be generated in the current directory, which contains the encrypted data that has been exported. Please download the compressed package to the local system for subsequent import operations.
  4. From the Lenovo SDI Management Platform menu bar, click Administration > Maintenance, and click Import Configuration from the secondary navigation bar on the maintenance page.
  5. Click Select File on the page, select the exported data package, and enter the decryption password in the pop-up dialog.
  6. Click the Import button and confirm to start importing data. After the import is completed, a message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the page. You can check the vCenter import progress in the task.

After you finish

  • View the users that are successfully imported on the user management page. Note that the password of an imported user will be reset to Passw0rd. It is recommended that the user log in and reset a new password as soon as possible.
  • View the vCenter instances that are successfully imported on the resource manager page.
  • View large-screen titles that are successfully imported on the large screen page.