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Server certification validation fails

Refer to the following when you attempt to install a server certificate in Lenovo SDI Management Platform and the validation of the certificate fails.

Server certification validation might fail when Lenovo SDI Management Platform attempts to:

  • Connect to managed resources using CIM-XML over HTTPS.

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:

  • Ensure that the certificate or its signing certificate exists in the Trusted Certificates truststore or the External Services Certificates truststore in Lenovo SDI Management Platform. For more information about trusted certificates and external services certificates, see Working with security certificates.

  • Ensure that the certificate has not been revoked (see Working with security certificates).

  • Ensure that the server's IP address or hostname matches one of the subject alternative names or the common name (if SAN is not present) in the certificate.

  • Ensure that today’s date is between the “Not valid before” and “Not valid after” dates in the certificate.