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View migration workers

Complete these steps to view and manage migration workers.

  1. Click Settings in the top navigation bar.
    Figure 1. Migration Manager menu - Settings

  2. On the Settings page, click Migration Worker.
    Figure 2. Migration Manager Settings

    The Select Migration Worker to Change page opens.

  3. On this page, you can select workers and click Ensure Worker to make sure that workers are all up. This is also useful to ensure that the number of workers matches your configuration.
    Figure 3. Migration Workers page

  4. In this list, you can click a migration worker to view details about that worker.
    Figure 4. Migration Worker details page

    This page shows the following information about the migration worker.

    • Active status

    • Slot

    • VM State

    • IP Address

    • API URL

    • VMware VM

    • Worker restarts:

      • Number of restart attempts

      • Next restart attempt

    • Software versions

    • Worker secret

  5. You can click History to view a change history for this worker.