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Supported features on demand software

This section contains descriptive information of the Features on Demand (FoD) software that is supported by this server.

The following table lists the supported FoD software.
Table 1. Supported Features on Demand software.

Features On Demand softwareNotes
ServeRAID M5100 Series Performance Accelerator for System x (FoD FastPath)
  • Accelerates solid-state drive RAID devices by reducing the processing overhead that is associated with caching.
  • One of the RAID cache cards must be installed in the RAID cache card connector on the system board to enable this capability.
ServeRAID M5100 Series RAID 6 Upgrade for System x
  • Provides RAID levels 6 and 60 support.
ServeRAID M5100 Series Solid State Drive Caching Enabler for System x (FoD Cachecade 1 or 2)
  • Enables a hard disk drive RAID array to have its own solid-state drive cache. The solid-state drive cache is much larger than the DRAM cache on the controller and can provide better performance acceleration. Cachecade 1 is read cache only, and Cachecade 2 adds write caching.
ServeRAID M5200 Series Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x
  • Provides RAID levels 5 and 50 support.
ServeRAID M5200 Series RAID 6 Upgrade for System x
  • Provides RAID levels 6 and 60 support.
ServeRAID M5200 Series Performance Accelerator for System x (FoD FastPath)
  • Accelerates solid-state drive RAID devices by reducing the processing overhead that is associated with caching.
  • One of the RAID cache cards must be installed in the RAID cache card connector on the system board to enable this capability.
ServeRAID M5200 Series Solid State Drive Caching Enabler for System x
  • Enables a hard disk drive RAID array to have its own solid-state drive cache. The solid-state drive cache is much larger than the DRAM cache on the controller and can provide better performance acceleration. Cachecade 1 is read cache only, and Cachecade 2 adds write caching.
  • One of the RAID cache cards must be installed in the RAID cache card connector on the system board to enable this capability.