
Fan failed

  • Depending on the model of your storage array, the fan may be located inside of the controller, inside of a power-fan canister, or inside of a fan canister. Refer to the Component requiring service field in the Details area to determine this.

  • If the fan is located inside a power-fan canister, be aware that removing a power-fan canister affects both the cooling of the storage array and also one of its power sources.

  • Refer to the applicable hardware manual for fan locations and detailed replacement procedures.

Risk of unsafe operating temperature

A failed fan may cause the shelf to reach an unsafe operating temperature and shut down. Always resolve a failed fan problem as soon as possible.

Possible loss of data accessibility

Before proceeding, ensure that the OK to remove field in the Details area indicates Yes. If No is displayed, it indicates that there is another component that must be serviced first. Always select Recheck prior to and after servicing a component to ensure that there are not any new problems that may affect the component you plan to service.

Electrostatic discharge can damage sensitive components

Always use proper anti-static protection when handling components. Touching components without using a grounding wrist strap may damage equipment.

Recovery Steps

  1. Is the Component requiring service in the Details area a controller, fan canister, or power-fan canister?

    • If the Component requiring service is a fan canister or power-fan canister, go to step 2.

    • If the Component requiring service is a controller, go to step 5.

  2. Remove the canister listed in the Component requiring service and the Location field in the Details area.

  3. Check the part number of the removed component to ensure that you have a proper replacement component.

  4. Insert the new canister firmly into place. Then, go to step 16.

  5. Are any hosts connected to this storage array NOT running a host-based, multi-path failover driver?

    • If yes, stop I/O from those hosts to the storage array, and then go to step 6.

    • If no, go to step 6.

  6. Select the Save icon in the Recovery Guru to save the remaining steps to a file. These steps will no longer be accessible after you complete step 7.

  7. Manually place the affected controller offline.

    1. Go to Hardware.

    2. Highlight the controller shown in the Details area. The controller is located on the backside of the controller shelf.

    3. Select Place offline.

    4. The Fan Failed Recovery Guru will now be replaced with an Offline Controller Recovery Guru. Continue completing the recovery steps in this procedure.

  8. Label each cable connected to the controller shown in the Details area.

  9. Remove the controller.

  10. Open the controller lid by loosening the thumbscrew on the controller's faceplate.

  11. Remove the fan listed in the Component requiring service and the Location field in the Details area. An LED indicator may be lit next to the failed fan for a short time after the controller is removed. To remove the fan, gently squeeze the blue touchpoints on the outer sides of the fan and lift up.

  12. Check the part number of the removed fan to ensure that you have a proper replacement component.

  13. Insert the new fan firmly into place.

  14. Wait one minute, and then re-insert the controller firmly into place and reconnect the cables.

  15. Wait until the controller appears in the Hardware view, and then place the controller back online.

    1. Go to Hardware.

    2. Highlight the affected controller shown in the Details area. The controller is located on the backside of the controller shelf.

    3. Select Place online.

  16. Select Recheck to ensure the problem has been resolved.