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View Metering Manager users

You can view all users with access to the Metering Manager instance.

Complete the following steps to view all Metering Manager users:

  1. In the top navigation menu, click Users.
    Figure 1. Users menu

  2. On the Users and Group Administration page, click Users. The Select user to change page opens.
    Figure 2. View Metering Manager users

  3. In the Search field, you can enter text and click Search to search the list of users.
  4. Under Filter, you can filter the list of users by selecting one of the following filters:
    • By Staff Status – Select All, Yes, or No.

    • By Super User Status – Select All, Yes, or No.

    • By Active – Select All, Yes, or No.

    • By Group – Select a specific group for which to view users.

  5. Select a user in the list to view or change user details.