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Collecting and downloading service data for a device

When there is an issue on a managed device that requires the assistance of a service provider to resolve, you can use the Lenovo XClarity Administrator web interface to manually collect service data (including service information, inventory, and debug logs) for that device to help identify the cause of the issue. The service data is saved as a service file in tar.gz format. You can download or send the service files to your preferred service provider.

About this task

You can run up to 20 service-data collection processes at a time.

For ThinkSystem servers with XCC2, XClarity Administrator saves service data in two files in the repository.
  • Service file. (.zip) This file contains service information and inventory in an easily readable format.
  • Debug file. (.tzz) The file contains all service information, inventory, and the debug logs for use by Lenovo Support.

For other devices, XClarity Administrator saves service data (including service information, inventory, and debug logs) in a single service file in the repository.

When a managed device generates a serviceable event that triggers Call Home (see Hardware events that automatically notify Support), XClarity Administrator automatically collects service data for that device. If a service forwarder is configured and enabled, XClarity Administrator also sends the service file to the specified service provider (for example, the Lenovo Support Center using Call Home or an SFTP site). If the service provider requires additional data, you might be instructed to re-collect service data for that device or for another device using the procedure described below.

When the service-data repository reaches its maximum capacity, the oldest set of files is deleted to make room for the new file.

  • For stacked switches, you can collect service data for the master switch and standby switches that have IP addresses that are accessible by XClarity Administrator. You cannot collect service data for member switches or switches that are in protected mode.

  • You cannot collection service data for switches that support stack mode but are in standalone mode.

For information about downloading service data for XClarity Administrator, see Collecting and downloading Lenovo XClarity Administrator service files.

For information about manually sending service data to the Lenovo Support Center, see Submitting a service request for hardware issues to the Lenovo Support Center.

For information about setting up an automated service forwarder, see Setting up automatic problem notification.


Complete the following steps to collect and download service data for a specific managed device.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Administration > Service and Support.
  2. Click Endpoint Actions in the left navigation to display the Endpoint Actions page.
  3. Select the device for which you want to collect service data, and click the Collect Service Data icon (Collect diagnostic file icon).
  4. Optionally save the service file to your local system.
  5. Click Device Service Data in the left navigation to display the Device Service Data page. The service-data archive is listed in the table.

    Illustrates the service-data files that are listed for each managed device on the Service and Support page.

After you finish

From the Device Service Data page, you can also perform these tasks.
  • Manually send service files directly to a Lenovo service technician (see Transferring service files to Lenovo Support).

  • Manually send service files to the Lenovo Support Center and open a service ticket, see Submitting a service request for hardware issues to the Lenovo Support Center.

  • Attach service files to an existing service ticket and send to Lenovo Support Center by selecting the files and clicking Attach to Service Ticket. Then, select the service ticket, and click Associate.

  • Download service files by selecting one or more files and clicking the Download Selected Service Files icon (Collect diagnostic file icon).If multiple files are selected, the files are compressed into a single .tar.gz file before downloading.

  • Remove service files that are no longer needed by selecting one or more files and clicking the Delete Selected Service Files icon (Delete icon).