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Attaching a vDisk to an instance from a backup from a different instance

Infrastructure admin users and VDC manager users can attach a vDisk to an application instance from the backup of a different application instance.

For an overview about cloning and attaching vDisks, see the following topic:

Clone and attach a vDisk

Complete the following steps to attach a vDisk to an instance from the backup of a different instance:

  1. Log in to the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller as an infrastructure admin or VDC manager user.
  2. Expand the VDC that contains the application instance and click VDC Instances.
  3. Click the application instance to display the application instance details page and click the Backups tab.
  4. Click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon) of the vDisk that you want to clone; then click View vDisks.
    If quick DR backups are enabled, you will see two versions of the backup: an automatic local backup and a quick DR backup.
    Figure 1. View vDisks option from backup Actions menu
    Screen capture of the list of backups from the Backups tab
  5. In the Backup vDisks dialog, click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon); then click Clone and attach to.
    Figure 2. Clone and attach to option
    Screen capture of the Clone and attach to option
  6. In the Select Application Instance dialog, click the instance to which the vDisk will be attached. Then, click Clone and attach to instance.
    Figure 3. Select Application Instance dialog
    Screen capture of the Select Application Instance dialog

Navigate to the Profile tab of the instance to which the vDisk was attached. The vDisk is displayed in the list of vDisks, and it is added to the boot order.

Figure 4. vDisk clone from one instance added to another instance
Screen capture of the Storage section of the Profile tab for an application instance showing vDisks