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Leakage sensor module cable routing

Use this section to understand the cable routing of the leakage sensor module.

  • Connections between connectors; 11, 22, 33, ... nn
  • When routing the cables, ensure that all cables are routed appropriately through the cable guides.

NVSwitch leakage detection sensor module cable routing

Figure 1. NVSwitch leakage sensor module cable routing

1 NVSwitch leakage sensor module cableNVSwitch leakage sensor modulePower distribution board: NVSwitch leakage detection sensor connector (LEAK CONN)
When securing sensor cable on the hose holder, ensure not to route the cable on top of the hoses.

Front GPU leakage detection sensor module cable routing

Figure 2. Front GPU leakage sensor module cable routing
Front GPU leakage detection sensor module cable routing
1 Front GPU leakage sensor module cableFront GPU leakage sensor modulePSU interposer: Front GPU leakage detection sensor connector (FAN2 LEAK2)
Ensure not to place the sensor cables on the right and left ends of the manifold.

Rear GPU leakage detection sensor module cable routing

Figure 3. Rear GPU leakage sensor module cable routing
Rear GPU leakage detection sensor module cable routing
1 Rear GPU leakage sensor module cableRear GPU leakage sensor modulePSU interposer: Rear GPU leakage detection sensor connector (FAN1 LEAK1)

DWCM leakage sensor module cable routing

For better cable arrangement, it is required to install the hoses and leakage sensor module to a designated holder, and make sure that the module is secured in holder clips. Use the illustration below or Install the Lenovo Neptune(TM) Processor Direct Water Cooling Module for details.
Figure 4. DWCM leakage sensor module cable routing
DWCM leakage detection sensor module cable routing
1 DWCM leakage sensor module cableDWCM leakage sensor moduleSystem board: DWCM leakage detection sensor connector (OUTLET TEMP SENSOR)
Manage redundant sensor cable in the cable clip as illustrated.