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Copy a template

Infrastructure admin users and VDC manager users can copy templates from one template store to another.

Complete the following steps to copy a template:

  1. Log in to the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller as an infrastructure admin user or a VDC manager user.
  2. In the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller left-side menu, complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Applications > Organization Templates if you are logged in as an infrastructure admin to view a list of the application templates in your organization.

    • Select a virtual datacenter to which you have access, and click VDC Templates to view a list of templates available to the VDC.
  3. Click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon) to the right of the template; then click Copy to.
    Figure 1. VDC Templates Actions menu - Copy to

  4. In the Copy To dialog, choose the location where the template will be copied. You can choose another VDC or the Organization Templates. However, you cannot copy the template to the same location where it currently resides.
    Figure 2. VDC Templates - Copy to dialog

  5. Give the template a new, unique name and click Copy Application Template.
    Figure 3. VDC Templates - Copy to dialog filled in

The updated version of the template is available.

Figure 4. Updated template in VDC Templates page