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FQXSFMA0004N : No system memory has been detected.

No system memory has been detected.

This message is reported when no memory detected.



User Action

Complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure one or more supported DIMMs are installed in the correct population sequence.
  2. If the system has light-path then check for any lit DIMM-connector LEDs, and if found, reseat those DIMMs. Alternatively ( i.e., if light path is not available) the same can be accomplished using XCC GUI.
  3. Swap DIMMs between slots when more than one DIMM is available in the system.
  4. If the DIMMs have been upgraded just prior to the issue than update uEFI using alternate or minimal configuration.
  5. If the problem persists, collect Service Data logs and contact Lenovo Support.
    The solution for this error may involve a system board replacement. If TPM encryption has been enabled, back up TPM Encryption Recovery Key.